Mueller Steam Specialty



Phone: 847-356-0566   Fax: 847-356-0747      E-Mail:

About Mueller Steam: Beginning in New York City as a small specialty manufacturer servicing the valve industry, Mueller Steam Specialty incorporated in 1956 to start manufacturing pipeline strainers. Since then, the company and its product offering have expanded dramatically. The company moved to North Carolina in 1972 and due to its continued growth, moved again in 1992 to a new and larger facility in St. Pauls, North Carolina. There are now over 300,000 square feet of ISO 9001:2000 registered manufacturing space devoted to Mueller's various product lines. In addition to a full range of pipeline and specialty strainers, the company now manufactures a broad offering of check valves and butterfly valves.

Mueller Steam Specialty Products


Mueller Basket Strainers - Duplex Mueller Basket Strainers - Simplex
Mueller Tee Strainers - Muessco
Mueller Temporary Strainers - muessco

Basket Strainers

Basket Strainers

Tee Strainers

Temporary Strainers

Mueller Turbine Meter Strainers Mueller UL Fireline Y Strainers Mueller UL Fireline Strainers Mueller Y Strainers

Turbine Meter

U.L Fireline
Y Strainers

U.L Fireline

Y Strainers

     Specialty Products

Mueller Butterfly Valve Model 87 Chexter 1607 Check Valves Mueller Control Cheks Model 721 Grooved Products Model 1011G

Butterfly Valves

Check Valves

Control Cheks TM

Grooved Products
End Suction Diffusers

Grooved Products Model 758G Y Strainers Mueller Grooved Products Model 722G
Grooved Products Model 89-GEN Mueller Line Blinds Model 15

Grooved Products
Y Strainers

Grooved Products
Control ChekTM

Grooved Products
Butterfly Valves

Line Blinds

Silent Check Valves Model 101MAP Silent Check Valves Model 105MBP Mueller Suction Diffusers Model 1011
Mueller Sure Check Check Valves

Silent Check Valves

Silent Check Valves
Globe Body

Suction Diffusers

Sure CheckTM
Check Valves


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